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Kurumi: sync time without the bullshit

by osk at 2019/11/19 (Tue) 1:31:51 am (edited)PERSONALOSKWARE

I run a Windows installation which has a very restrictive firewall. One of the things it blocks is Windows' NTP ("Network Time Protocol") service. This is the service that automatically synchronizes your system time to that of a specialized time server. If it's disabled, your clock will slowly desync over time, or, in my case, within a few days. My usual setup to deal with this is to just go to say, and adjust the time manually. But, that requires effort, and after all, they say the best ideas arise out of laziness, right?

Jokes aside, I've created a tiny (66KB) tool that will synchronize your system clock for you, in case you don't want to use the built-in service. It's very simple and doesn't ask questions - just run it, and it'll tell you how badly out of sync you are, then offer to fix it. Hit "Fix" and all your problems will go away!

If you're interested, you can pick it up here.

If you find any bugs, this is the place to report them!

12 comments sorted by star rate

Rai Keiko

at 2019/12/10 (Tue) 7:15:11 pm

Jesus Christ anon, stop worrying and just release the alpha version already

Aono Asumi

at 2024/11/15 (Fri) 9:44:05 am

i just made every post's stars end with 00 here i feel empty

Aono Asumi

at 2024/11/15 (Fri) 9:44:46 am

as in divisible by 100

Aono Asumi

at 2024/11/15 (Fri) 9:45:22 am

anyway many thanks for the app, very useful

Toda Mikuru

at 2025/03/17 (Mon) 3:36:43 am

ough sorry i clicked one by accident......

Suganuma Miyabi

at 2019/12/13 (Fri) 7:02:44 pm

Just use a Sundial

Fukumoto Yumika

at 2019/12/08 (Sun) 4:11:27 am

im going to install it on my computer running NT 10.0. By the way you should install windows 10. it is the best operating system in the whole wide world. there is no better operating system than windows 10. long long live windows 10


at 2019/12/12 (Thu) 8:55:44 pm

ok but i disagree

Fujimori Reona

at 2024/06/20 (Thu) 11:21:53 am

even now, osk is determined to use windows 7, he truly is the original osk


at 2024/06/21 (Fri) 1:27:45 pm

sadly ive had to move on to linux now LOL, but i still have a lot of respect for those still on 7 (tetrio still supports it and i hope i can keep it so for a while! there are limits mainly w/ payment processing but yk) the KDE desktop and suite of software is great tho

Shimahara Yūko

at 2019/11/19 (Tue) 1:34:23 am

ommggggggggggggggggggg mom im gonna use it right now

Makiyama Risako

at 2022/02/24 (Thu) 6:25:12 am

hi nook