by 2019/11/17 (Sun) 10:23:44 pm (edited)
atHere I will post project updates, sneak peeks, and whatever else is on my mind at the time. Don't expect super-frequent updates, but hey - there's something new every once in a while. Please note that this blog is personal space. Please respect that (and as such, my interests).
You can star posts and comments you enjoy as much as you like, a bit like how Flipnote Hatena and Medium work. There's no limit to how many stars you can give something, but please don't bot it (I will throw sharp glances at you).
You can also comment on posts, and on replies to those posts. Your name and color is randomized (bound to IP). There's no CAPTCHA or anything like that right now, so see it as a bit of an experiment. Be civil, okay? I reserve the right to delete anything for any reason. If it ends up being an issue, I can always add CAPTCHA later or turn off comments. As long as your IP does not change, you can delete your comments with the DEL button next to it.
Happy sightseeing!
Okazoe Chika
at 2019/11/18 (Mon) 12:47:48 am
my name jeff