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by osk at 2020/04/18 (Sat) 3:31:35 pmOFFICIALTETR.IOUPDATE

...Can you believe it's only been a month? TETRA LEAGUE, TETR.IO's 1v1 ranked matchmaker, is now live for all to play! You can play it here!

Once again, I'd like to thank all testers in helping me shape this feature within such a short period. And of course, all Patreon supporters! Without the support, I would not have had the time, drive or money to work on it!

Other prominents I'd like to thank are Garbo and Doremy for their extensive feedback!

Have fun, and go rise those ranks!

14 comments sorted by star rate

Takano Mayo

at 2020/04/20 (Mon) 7:41:32 pm

how do i make my opponent misdrop

Ōtake Takeko

at 2020/04/24 (Fri) 9:55:16 pm

hax their internet1!11!!!!

Ueebisu Sayoko

at 2020/04/25 (Sat) 1:49:27 am

Instructions unclear, accidentally ordered a seventeen-drone missile strike against them

Yoshiyama Chika

at 2020/07/09 (Thu) 11:37:25 am

"There are no accidents." - Master Oogway

Oyamada Mayumi

at 2022/11/10 (Thu) 3:01:59 am

Get good

Odagiri Mizuki

at 2021/12/30 (Thu) 11:58:34 am

thx osk!

Gotō Kanoko

at 2020/04/19 (Sun) 2:20:53 pm

ありがとう! Thank You!

Sakuraba Sakurako

at 2020/05/27 (Wed) 5:45:44 pm

Conquer the ranks!

Horii Sayuri

at 2020/04/28 (Tue) 9:01:11 am

why are the names of who posted these comments all japenese?

Tsukada Masako

at 2020/05/16 (Sat) 2:26:59 am


Wakayama Atsumi

at 2020/07/30 (Thu) 9:30:31 pm

thats also why the colors are random based on user

Wakayama Atsumi

at 2020/07/30 (Thu) 9:30:11 pm

because they havent signed in

Kitagawa Suzue

at 2024/07/20 (Sat) 1:33:02 am

u wot m8 you can SIGN IN????

Hirama Nozomi

at 2020/06/27 (Sat) 1:19:55 pm

I only thank OSK!